NOWhatsApp APK V9.85 Download Latest Version [ Base Update ๐Ÿ˜ ]
    * Base Updated to
    * Anti Ban
    * Ads Free
    * Introducing disappearing messages. Now you can set chats to disappear after 7 days.
    * Search your stickers with text and emoji or categories.
    * Decorate your photos and videos with smoother drawing and new alignment guides.
    * Now you can set a custom wallpaper for a chat or set a dark mode wallpaper. Choose from a refreshed wallpaper gallery or new colors over the doodle background.
    * Add an option to customize the automatic media download for each Direct Chat/group separately
    * Add custom privacy
    * Fix the problem of hidden conversations appearing when searching for them using the search icon on the main conversations screen
    * Fix the problem of repeating the message in the notification bar
    * Others fixing

      ✔️Based on  2.20.172
      ✔️Ban proof.
      ✔️Supports calls.
      ✔️Zoom for profiles footage.
      ✔️Privacy mods: Hide the “Last seen”.
      ✔️Themes Dark mode  Theme Enable
      ✔️Counter statistics for group.
      ✔️Media preview without loading.
      ✔️Show Online/last Seen in Main Screen.
      ✔️Increase video size sending from 16 MB to 30 MB.
      ✔️Image sending increases from 10 pictures to 90.
      ✔️Increase status words from 139 characters to 250.
      ✔️Ability to proceed links on chat screen while not saving sender variety or cluster admin variety.
      ✔️Ability to press in links on your friends status without effort.
      ✔️The chance of identifying between traditional and broadcast messages.
      ✔️Hide the name and the date while copying to another chat user.
      ✔️Copy and Paste status.
      ✔️Added more docs file
      If you got banned before please take Backup - Uninstall WhatsApp /   Install NOWhatsApp v9.85 again

      MOD Name NOWhatsApp
       Version 9.85
      Device ALL
      Android Os 4.4.2 UP
      File Type APK
      Download Size 42MB
      Donwloads 200000+
      Server Mediafire

      About the Author

      Owner and Founder Of this Web Content Creator , Designer .

      ุฅุฑุณุงู„ ุชุนู„ูŠู‚

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